On-Page Optimization

Improve Page Content, Quality and Performance
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On-Page Keyword Optimization Audit

Analyze any URL and Keyword combination against factors known to affect website rankings
  • Optimize pages in your domain by knowing where your keywords show up both in content and source code
  • Analyze pages on your website not yet in results to discover its effectiveness score
  • Examine a competitor's page to find out keywords they may be targeting
  • Monitor a page that contains your paid banner ad to see if your keywords and the specific page correlate
Run the report to get best-practice recommendations that can be implemented to help improve page performance.

On-Page Keyword Density Analysis to determine keyword relevancy

Find out if your keyword occurrences signal keyword stuffing. Or discover if your page has too few keyword occurrences that can be an indicator of low significance within the context of the page content. Stuffing too many keywords into a page, or not using the right keywords, can negatively affect your site's SEO.

Run the On-Page Keyword Density analysis on any web page URL before and after content changes, or take advantage of its ability to effectively check your competitor's keyword usage and density.

On-Page Readability Test

Character, syllable, word and sentence count, characters and syllables per word and words per sentence can determine the readability of your content by specific audiences. Since scoring systems produce numbers, it's easy for search engines to include such parameters in their algorithms and thus boost or penalize your site in the SERPs.

Rank Ranger's unique On-Page Readability Test analyzes page content with six well known tests. The readability test supports web pages in many languages.