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Featured Snippet Tool

The Featured Snippet Tool provides a list of all campaign keywords that have won a featured snippet for the primary domain and/or top 20 competitors.

Competitive rank and share graphs provide featured snippet summaries, while an analysis table details keywords, domains, landing pages, search volume, and a SERP snapshot. 

Data is provided for the current day, if none of the keywords in the campaign have ranked a snippet, please check again on another day. In the meantime, if you’d like to learn more about featured snippets, we hope you'll find our Complete Guide to Featured Snippets helpful.

The Featured Snippet Tool is available for Google desktop and mobile search engines. If you are not currently tracking keywords on a Google desktop or mobile search engine, you may be able to add one in the Campaign Settings > Search Engines screen depending upon your rank tracking plan.
Featured Snippet Tool

Reports > Organic Search > Rank Tracking > SERP Features


Featured Snippets Rank & Share Graphs 

Competitive Analysis Graphs

At the top of the Featured Snippet Tool results, two graphs provide a summary of the primary domain and other sites successfully competing for featured snippets for the campaign keywords, on the day the data is being viewed:
  • Organic Rank of Search Results with Featured Snippets graph provides the percentage of snippets ranked in positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
  • Featured Snippet Share presents the primary domain's share vs. that of all competitors. 

Featured Snippet Tool graphs

Note that the number of keywords reflected in the report displays at the top of the report (below the title) in this format: 
       Displaying 26 out of 35 keywords 
This means that the campaign is tracking 35 keywords, and:
  • 26 of 35 keywords ranked with featured snippets 
  • or 26 of the manually selected or tag filtered keywords ranked featured snippets (i.e., perhaps only 26 keywords were selected, or 30 were selected and 26 of those ranked featured snippets)

Featured Snippets Analysis Table

Analyzing Featured Snippet Competitors

For detailed analysis of keywords and landing pages that have ranked a featured snippet, the Featured Snippet Tool provides the following data and features:
  • Keyword list: the campaign keywords that ranked for a featured snippet on the day the report is being viewed.  This tool supports up to 500 keywords. If the campaign is tracking more than 500 keywords, then the campaign's first 500 keywords (in alphabetical order) will be used by default.
    If the first 500 keywords do not have a featured snippet, then none will display unless you filter keywords with Tags.  
    If you want to analyze a specific set of keywords, please use Keyword Tags or select the individual keywords in the Report Options section.
  • Domain: the domain that appeared in the featured snippet in the search results.
  • Landing Page launcher: links to the landing page that won the featured snippet for the corresponding keyword.
  • Rank: the position of the featured snippet in the search engine results for the keyword. 
  • Vol.:  the average number of times people have searched for this exact keyword.
  • Primary Domain: when checked, the primary domain won the featured snippet for the corresponding keyword. 
  • Primary Domain Rank: the organic rank position of the keyword in the search results for the primary domain.
  • SERP Snapshot: the top 20 search results detailing featured snippets and other SERP features.  

featured snippets landing page

Featured Snippets SERP Snapshot

Discover Featured Snippets in the Top 20 Search Results

Launch a SERP Snapshot for any keyword by clicking the screen icon. In addition to Featured Snippets, this SERP tool reveals the title, URL, and description for the top 20 search results, as well as all SERP Features that Google displayed for them (e.g., knowledge panel, local pack, image boxes, etc.), the top AdWords Ads, and related search phrases.

Featured Snippet SERP Snapshot

Report Options

add custom report title

General Settings

  • Custom Report Title (optional): displays at the top of the report
select keywords


  • Select the keyword(s) you want analyzed by this tool. You can use the All or None link, or check the box beside each keyword

This tool supports up to 500 keywords.
  • If the campaign is tracking more than 500 keywords, then the first 500 keywords will be used by default. 
  • If the first 500 keywords do not have a featured snippet, then none will display unless you filter keywords with Tags.
  • If you want to analyze a specific set of keywords, please use Keyword Tags or select the individual keywords.

filter by keyword tags

Keyword Tags

  • Select the Tag(s) to filter the tool results.

Important: Refer to Tag Manager for more information about creating Keyword Tag Groups and Tag Options.

select a search engine

Search Engine

  • The Featured Snippet Tool is available for Google desktop and mobile search engines. Select a Google search engine. 
Click the Apply Changes button.

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