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Bing Ads Campaigns Performance

The Bing Ads Campaigns report provides data on the performance of campaigns in the Bing Ad account that has been connected to the domain's campaign in Rank Ranger.

The report includes a graph showing the results associated with the Key Metric you select (clicks, impressions, CTR, or spend) as well as a variety of campaign metrics displayed in tabular format.

The graph and tabular presentations of Bing ads data can be either displayed or hidden based on the user's preference, and like all Rank Ranger reports, the report can be added to a client dashboard, a marketing dashboard or automated PDF reports that are sent by email.

Important! In order to view this report, you must authorize a connection to a Bing Ads account.

Bing Ads Campaigns report displayed with Insight Graph in Marketing Dashboard

Ad Campaigns Performance Graph


The Bing Campaigns Performance Graph displays the results associated with the Key Metric you select in the Report Options (e.g., clicks, impressions, CTR, and spend) for the date range you have chosen.
Bing Campaigns Traffic Graph

Campaigns Ad Metrics Table


The Campaigns Ad Metrics table displays the Campaign name, ad impressions, ad clicks, CTR (click through rate), conversions, conversion rate, CPA (cost per action), average CPC (cost per click), average ad position, total ad spend, revenue, return on ad spend and the campaign status (Enabled or Disabled).
The table can be sorted by any of the columns, either in ascending or descending order, by clicking on the header of the column you want to sort by.
Bing Ads Campaign Metrics Table

Bing Ads Performance Dashboard

Bing Ads Reports & Graphs
A white label marketing dashboard can be used to highlight Bing Ads performance. In this example, a text box is used to introduce the report that includes an interactive Insight Graph comparing PPC metrics from Bing Ads and Google AdWords campaigns, followed by the Bing Ads Campaigns report trending CTR in the performance graph and a table displaying all available metrics (you may choose to highlight specific metrics and hide others). 

Bing Ads Campaign Performance reports in white label marketing dashboard

Report Options




  • Click the calendar icon to select the Report Date range or select a Custom Date Range in the top right toolbar
Important: be sure to choose a date range for which data exists for the specific campaign in the Bing Ads account
General Settings

General Settings:

  • Enter a custom report title that will be centered across the top of the report (optional) 
Bing Ads Report Sections

Show or Hide Report Sections:

  • PPC Performance Graph displays at the top of the report
  • Ad Metrics Table
Key Metric

Select the Bing Ads Key Metric:

The Key Metric determines the type of data is displayed in the Performance Graph
  • Clicks - the number of clicks on your Bing ads for each campaign
  • Impressions - the number of times your Bing ads were displayed on Bing SERPs
  • CTR (Click Through Rate) - The percentage of times users clicked on your ads when they were displayed on the SERP (calculated as clicks divided by impressions)
  • Spend - Total cost of the clicks for each campaign
Display Columns

Display Columns:

  • Impressions the number of times your Bing ads were displayed on Bing SERPs
  • CTR (Click Through Rate) - The percentage of times users clicked on your ads when they were displayed on the SERP (calculated as clicks divided by impressions)
  • Conversions - The total number of conversions resulting from clicks on the campaign's ads
  • Conversion Rate - The number of conversions divided by the total number of clicks
  • CPA (Cost per Action) - Total cost divided by the number of conversions
  • Avg. CPC (Average Cost per Click) - The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks
  • Average Position - The average position of the campaign's ads on the SERP
  • Total Ad Spend - The total cost of all clicks
  • Revenue - Total revenue from conversions (revenue per-conversion times the number of conversions, calculated using a per-conversion revenue amount provided by the administrator) 
  • Return on Ad Spend - Revenue divided by spend, expressed as a percentage
  • Status - Column showing the campaign's status in Bing Ads (Enabled or Disabled)


  • Select a Currency symbol type from the list of world currencies. The currency option is available in case Bing doesn't send us the correct currency settings. We don't run a currency conversion, we simply display the numbers that pass from Bing to Rank Ranger, and you have the option to set the currency symbol based on what you have set up in the Bing Ads account.

Filter by Bing Campaign(s):

  • Select which Bing Ads campaign(s) to display in the report
Save Report Default


  • Important! Click the Apply Changes button.
Save As Default Settings (if desired)
  • Account Default
  • Profile Default
  • Campaign Default
  • Client Dashboard Default
Refer to Report Default Settings for more information about default setting features and uses.

Bing Ads Custom Graphs & Widgets

Bing Ads performance data can be displayed in Insight Graphs and Metric Widgets and shared in white label Marketing Dashboards, Client Dashboards, and scheduled PDF Reports.

Graph Settings
In both the Insight Graph and Metric Widgets:
  • Enter a Metric Name for display in the graph
  • Data Source: PPC
  • Type: Bing Ads
  • Metric: Clicks, CPC, CTR, Impressions, or Spend 
Select the desired color and other display and date settings and click the Save button.
Repeat for each individual metric that you want included on the graph.

Bing Ads metrics graph settings

If you aren't familiar with building custom graphs, please refer to the following documentation to learn more about the variety of customization options.

Bing Ads Insight Graph
Bing Ads performance graph

Bing Ads Metric Widgets

Bing Ads Performance widgets

Bing Metrics

  • Avg. CPC (Average Cost per Click): The total cost of all clicks divided by the total number of clicks
  • Average Position: The average position of the campaign's ads on the SERP
  • Clicks: The number of clicks on your Bing ads triggered by each keyword
  • CTR (Click Through Rate): The percentage of times users clicked on your ads when they were displayed on the SERP (calculated as clicks divided by impressions)
  • Conversions: The total number of conversions resulting from clicks on ads triggered by keyword
  • Conversion Rate: The number of conversions divided by the total number of clicks
  • CPA (Cost per Action): Total cost divided by the number of conversions
  • Impressions: The number of times your Bing ads were displayed on Bing SERPs
  • Match Type: Column showing the keyword match type in Bing Ads (Exact, Phrase or Broad)
  • Return on Ad Spend: Revenue divided by spend, expressed as a percentage
  • Revenue: Total revenue from conversions (revenue per-conversion times the number of conversions, calculated using a per-conversion revenue amount provided by the administrator)
  • Spend: Total cost of the clicks for each keyword
  • Status: Column showing the ad group's status in Bing Ads (Enabled or Disabled)
  • Total Ad Spend: The total cost of all clicks

Bing PPC Performance Reporting

Integrate Bing Ads data for PPC performance analysis in these reports & graphs:
Share PPC Performance reports in these white label tools:

Add to PDF Report

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a PDF report by hovering over the gold gear icon and selecting Add to PDF Reports

add report to PDF

Select the PDF Report that you want the report or graph added to
select white label report

Drag the new report or graph into the position you want it to display in the PDF and confirm that the Date settings do not conflict with the automated scheduling settings.

Add to Marketing Dashboard

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a marketing dashboard:

1. Hover over the gold gear icon and select Add to Marketing Dashboard
2. Select the Dashboard (campaign name)
3. Select the Dashboard Page that you want the report added to

add report to PDF

4. Click the "Go to Dashboard" link to further customize the report (e.g., drag it to a specific position on the page, change date settings, etc.)

Refer to the Report Options section for details regarding the display settings, filters and sort options available for this report.

The report date (or date range) is governed by the selected Dashboard date option: Date Selection or Fixed Periods, learn more...

  • Daily reports default to the last day of the selected period
  • Weekly and monthly reports default to 1 month of data
To change the number of weeks or months displayed in a specific report, click the gear icon for any marketing dashboard report element and expand the Date option section, enter the number and click the Save Button.
marketing dashboard report date options

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