Rank Ranger Blog

SERP News: Local Pack & Answer Box Both Volatile

Over the past few weeks there has been an overabundance of volatility on the SERP. Whether it be major tests to the SERP's layout or hot risk levels on the Rank Risk Index, etc., the SERP has been anything but boring! Though not as dramatic as weeks past, last week provided us with some strange patterns as I dig deep into the SERP. 

Rich Cards Now Showing for Courses and Top Recipes

The mobile SERP is certainly richer today than it was previously as we have found Rich Cards undeclared by Google appearing in results. As you may know, we use a 500K keyword dataset in order to monitor SERP Features on desktop. What you may not know is that we also use a 100K dataset to track mobile SERP Features. As part of our daily mobile SERP foraging we came across two new forms of Rich Cards. 

SERP News: Desktop & Mobile SERPs Converging

Yet another surging risk level spike as Google shakes up the SERP with a surprising test. Are things simply as they seem or is Google distracting us from the real story with bells and whistles? 

SERP News: Big Rank Fluctuations, New SERP Layout Tests

The Rank Risk Index continued to be hot for the majority of last week (before finally cooling off). Did increased space between results on the SERP play a role? Could Google's test to the length of titles and descriptions on the SERP be a factor? What other tests to the SERP has Google rolled-out? 

Account Campaigns Pro View Ready and Launched

In our quest to provide you with a pleasant and efficient work space, we are excited to announce the launch of our new account-wide campaigns summary Pro View, highlights of which include:
  • Personalize display settings per sub-user
  • Set targets for visuals upon goal achievement
  • Possibility to view Rank, Traffic, PPC, Social, Search Console, and Backlinks data all in one screen
Join us for a tour of these new features and more...

SERP News: Google Tested Black Organic Results

The Rank Risk Index rises off the charts. What was responsible? Was it the colorless organic results? Data dips in the features? Also, Ads in various countries show quite the interesting intertwining, coincidence? Take a tour of New Zealand's SERP and see what went up near the land down under. 

SERP News: SiteLinks Prevalence Dropped, Ads Rose

Which SERP Feature was resurrected from the dead? Why did SiteLinks nosedive? How did the globe perform on the SERP for HTTPS? What were some overall SERP trends for April? In this Snapshot we wrap up SERP performance for April 2016.

SERP News: Featured Snippet Appears in Spanish-Speaking Countries

Featured Snippets show in Spanish speaking countries, Local Pack goes off the deep end, and a plethora of SERP Features take an inverse twist to each other. Take a tour of last week's SERP situations as we uncover what went down (and up) on the SERP. 

Drops in Local Rankings – Have You Analyzed Your Citation Consistency?

In high tech days like these, your search engine rankings are vital for your sales and lead generation strategy, especially if you are a local business. Having inconsistent citations won’t help. Your citations could turn against you, if they are inconsistent. Giving search engines, Google especially, mixed signals is never a good thing. If only a small portion of your business citations are carrying your correct business NAP data and the remaining ones list outdated, mistyped or incomplete data, then you’d most definitely feel the devastating impact of that citation inconsistency.

Hola! Featured Snippets Appear on Spanish Speaking SERPs

Features Snippets have spread across the Spanish speaking world, appearing in Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Venezuela, etc. 

SERP News: In-Depth Articles Disappear, Ads Spike

Join me for a quick tour of the wide-world of SERPs with our weekly snapshot of trends, news, and data events related to Google organic search results and special SERP features.

Turning Up the Volume: Rethinking the SEO Impact of Google AMP

Other than quicker load times and their appearance in a nifty carousel, do AMP pages have a deeper SEO impact? Are they applicable to 'non-newsy" sites? Are they to be regulated only to mobile pages, as funny as that sounds?

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